Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Bibi is back!

Image for the news result
Israel's Netanyahu warns US against 'paving way to Iran bomb'

Bibi is back!

Watched the Israeli PM politically lecture us again on Iran.  Repeating of his Saddam Hussein speech, I could not help but think of the big head pushing the fear button while all the little heads clap.  The axis of evil, the red menace, domino effect and the spread of communism.  PM netanyahoo warns the world that the Iranian's wish his nation and the Jewish people death, destruction and annihilation.  For this his goal is a preemptive strike to reset Iran's development as a nuclear, military and a civilization.
Israeli leaders
lectured and quoted Moses.  Spoke Jewish.  Gave his historical destiny speech and even brought up genocide twice.  He brought his own traveling hollow-cost survivor to the show.  Congress stood up and applauded on Que 27 times.  They really impressed us.

The US Congress fear show runs out of their own fear talk sow they contracted out.   One thing left for sale is access to our country's legislature to foreign power.  They demonstrated to the world how easy is to gain access, influence and control.

What"s missing here?  No bomb drawing.  Dropped the Iran reference to having the bomb.  No mention of Palestinian peace prospects or self determination for their nation.  What about the settlements?  No mention of the Iraq war and what a favor that was.  Bibi show goes global.  What a mensch

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